Games and Web Design Suite

According to the latest Global Games Market report from market intelligence firm Newzoo in 2018 a base of 2.3 billion gamers worldwide will spend a total of $137.9 billion dollars (£108 billion) on games. 50% of this gaming will be on mobile devices split 80% on smartphones and 20% on tablets. 25% of gaming will be on consoles and 25% on PCs. Our students go on to a wide range of careers in this exciting field using the skills developed in the DigiHub. Examples include Multimedia Artist, Animator, Video Game Tester, Customer Support Agent, Composer/Musician and Developer.


If you are thinking of being a web designer, it is worth considering that there are almost two billion websites in the world today – up from one billion in 2014. This incredible growth includes E-commerce and in the UK 80% of internet users shop online – the third largest E-commerce market in the world. Of course, E-commerce is only a small part of the internet and the demand for Graphic Designers, Web Developers, Back End Developers and Social Media Strategists continues to grow. Calderdale College students progress into a wide range of jobs, apprenticeships and Higher Education courses in this rapidly developing field.